
Wednesday, April 24, 2013


GENERATIONS' Upcoming single 'Love You More'~~~^^


So today I found out...
"Love You More"!!!!~^^
Which is suppose to be GENERATIONS' 3rd single to be released on the 15th May!
For more infos, go here^^

Here is the short ver. PV

My comment:
It made me realize just how much I miss GENERATIONS~
Anyway, it's a beautiful PV (even though it's short and this time it IS the SHORT ver. and not like 'Animal's short PV~~^^)
and glad to hear that this time the single is a love song and not upbeat like their previous single...
'Love you more' sounds like their b-side song 'LET ME FLY'~^^
Now moving on to the mebers...
I love Alan and Reo here~  
Alan looks so mysterious and...(especially the intro~)

....Reo is looking ever so kawaii!
Plus...Hayato has pink hair!!!!
Honestly,it doesn't suit him that much but he looks fun*^^*
and of course Ryuto just have to look so badass for a love song!...I mean his face always look so..tough o,o
Oh here are Mandy and Yuta~~~ just chilling....

Ahhh and of course little doe-eyed baby bear..uh i mean Ryota cutie...^^
My favorite snapshot~~~~~~~~~

Anyway, sorry for the pictures...
I just like the PV so I just have to take some snapshots of it~~heheh^^

So Thank you!^^


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