
Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Kansai Junior news...

Actually I didn't want to post this but...what the heck!
You've probably heard about Kiriyama Akito,a Kansai Junior (I only refer him as a Junior...) playing a role as a gay guy in his upcoming theater play. (Tokyohive).

The play will be shown at Osaka’s Theater BRAVA! on March 10th-11th, 2012.

Just posting it so I can give my own opinion.
First,he is not one of my favourite.

I know him from Gokusen with Nakama Junta alongside Takaki Yuya and Tamamori Yuta (and Irie Jingi^^).Later I found out he is alos a Johnny in a group called B.A.D.

I like him a lot at first but...he hits on people heads a lot! He hits Shigeoka's head!!!

I find him quite annoying and noisy at times(he's always noisy~)

So,I'm just saying that I don't really like him that much but I love B.A.D's song...(which I haven't listened to in awhile).

His funny though...okay I think I like that part of him...


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