
Tuesday, February 10, 2015


久しぶりですね~~~ Hello again~^^

Hello lovely people~^^

It's been a while ne and yes I admit I do miss blogging here~~~
First of all I apologize for my disappearance ^^;;...well a lot of things happened while I was away...but I'm okay now.
By the way Happy New Year!!...well...I know it's been more than a month but I never got to greet you guys~^^ So Happy late Akeome~~^^ (???)

Anyway, I think I mentioned before that I will be studying overseas...and...
...I'm studying oversea now!^^ It's definitely a dream come true~
I'm taking Psychology in University of York, UK~^^ and so far it's been a challenge living alone and managing University life, but at the same time it's quite exciting.
So I guess you'd understand why I have been MIA for the pass 5 months or so~~^^;;

Now, I don't promise that I will blog often from now on cause I'm pretty sure that's impossible for to do...but I also don't want to abandon this blog, because I love this blog very very much.
This blog is like my journey through the Fandom and also my journey to adulthood (I guess ^^;;)
So I really couldn't just leave it like that~

But anyway, I just per-ordered JUMP's "Koro Sensation" (pssst the bundle set~^^ Excited!!!!) but of course the single won't be released till 18th March and I have absolutely no idea when they will be in my hands now that I live far far away~~~ -___-"
I will try to provide the DLs if I can if you want to~^^
also other DLs if possible...if time is on my side (and if my laptop decides to cooperate with me~)
Honestly I didn't know about the single until my friends told me!!!~~;____; gomen ne~~

Anyway, I don't really have other things to say, I just want to update this blog so that it doesn't look abandoned that's all.
Oh yeah...
Thank you so much for the comments~^^ I really do appreciate them and they really make me smile!^^
So Ari-Ari-Ari Sankyu-kyu!!!^^

Well I need to put up some pics chose these random pics~^^;;
I've always wanted to taste this and the first bean that I ate was...sausage flavour~~~=__="
And now I'm kinda afraid to eat them!^^;

Well that's all for now~^^
Until next time!
Thank you~^^